CSR Masterline foundation
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We have been focusing our social responsibilities since 2005. We have been doing the welfare of surroundings with the mission is to make the world better which we found it. These activities include to arrange motivational speech pertaining to the health, religious history etc. To encourage sport by organizing different types of sport competitions. To promote pranayam, yoga, exercise, acupressure etc. with free check up camps & training. To help financially to the needy persons for health problems, education purpose. To carry out water management ,tree plantations programmes etc. To participate in local development projects. . Religious & cultural programs have been regularly carried out from beginning.For all these activities, we have been spending a fix share of our profits every year.
In the practice of these social activities two events make a history. The first is in 2010 ,to stop Bokad Bali Pratha (in Hinduism) ,a Bali Pratha where blood was offered to the God after fulfilling wishes. To get the blood & meat, animals like goats etc. had been killed at Khandoba Maharaja Temple Shindi (Bhadgaon Dis.-Jalgaon) .That Pratha was started 200 years ago. The second one is in 2013, to organize Akshay Tritiya Varshitap Parna Mahotsav ( Akshay Tritiya is a holy day in Jainism) at Bhadgaon. In this event, 61 peoples ended there one year alternate day fast which is called Parná in Jainism.
Managing Director Mr. Samir Jain had worked as a U.R. (university representative ) at Bhadgaon for one year.
- 2006 -Pranayam & Yoga Camp at Bhadgaon.
- 2007 – Motivational speech by Mr. R.C.Bafna & Mr.Sunil Patil Sir.
- 2008 – Motivational speech by Padmashree Mr.Muzaffar Hussain.
- 2009 – Stop Bokad Bali Pratha & Financial help to Khandoba Maharaj Temple Shindi.
- 2010 – Pranayam & Yoga camp at Bhadgaon.
- 2011 – Donated computer at Bhadgaon Police station.
- 2012 – Acupressure, magnetic therapy check up & awareness camp at Bhadgaon.
- 2013 – Jain Varshi Tap Parna Mahotsav on holy day of Akshay Tritiya at Bhadgaon
- June 2013 – Director Mr. Suyog Jain was selected a National President Of Parmesti Foundation, promoted by Pujya Shri Gautam Muni.

We have been focusing our social responsibilities since 2005. We have been doing the welfare of surroundings with the mission is to make the world better which we found it. These activities include to arrange motivational speech pertaining to the health, religious history etc. To encourage sport by organizing different types of sport competitions. To promote pranayam, yoga, exercise, acupressure etc. with free check up camps & training. To help financially to the needy persons for health problems, education purpose. To carry out water management ,tree plantations programmes etc. To participate in local development projects. . Religious & cultural programs have been regularly carried out from beginning.For all these activities, we have been spending a fix share of our profits every year.
In the practice of these social activities two events make a history. The first is in 2010 ,to stop Bokad Bali Pratha (in Hinduism) ,a Bali Pratha where blood was offered to the God after fulfilling wishes. To get the blood & meat, animals like goats etc. had been killed at Khandoba Maharaja Temple Shindi (Bhadgaon Dis.-Jalgaon) .That Pratha was started 200 years ago. The second one is in 2013, to organize Akshay Tritiya Varshitap Parna Mahotsav ( Akshay Tritiya is a holy day in Jainism) at Bhadgaon. In this event, 61 peoples ended there one year alternate day fast which is called Parná in Jainism.

Managing Director Mr. Samir Jain had worked as a U.R. (university representative ) at Bhadgaon for one year.
- 2006 -Pranayam & Yoga Camp at Bhadgaon.
- 2007 – Motivational speech by Mr. R.C.Bafna & Mr.Sunil Patil Sir.
- 2008 – Motivational speech by Padmashree Mr.Muzaffar Hussain.
- 2009 – Stop Bokad Bali Pratha & Financial help to Khandoba Maharaj Temple Shindi.
- 2010 – Pranayam & Yoga camp at Bhadgaon.
- 2011 – Donated computer at Bhadgaon Police station.
- 2012 – Acupressure, magnetic therapy check up & awareness camp at Bhadgaon.
- 2013 – Jain Varshi Tap Parna Mahotsav on holy day of Akshay Tritiya at Bhadgaon.
- June 2013 – Director Mr. Suyog Jain was selected a National President Of Parmesti Foundation, promoted by Pujya Shri Gautam Muni.